People and mental health and child welfare systems can change the lives of people they work with in positive ways today. Through workshops and public presentations members of the Daughters and Sons Initiative discuss reasons that parenting status of people receiving services in mental health systems is often not tracked, ways that parenting can be supported, common experiences of children and adults who have a parent with mental illness and diverse resources available in the United States and around the world. Workshops and public presentations can be tailored to a particular audience, such as veterans and their families, or reach general audiences of people whose lives are impacted by mental illness.

If you would like to schedule a presentation, please Contact Us.

Past Workshops and Public Presentations

Title Venue Type Location
The Fabric of Our Being: Living with, Loving and Learning from Life Experience The Bouverie Centre: Victoria's Family Institute hosted by FaPMI (Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness) Presentatation Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2013 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion San Antonio, Texas
Title Venue Type Location
Social Media for Systems Change: Use of Social Media and Web-based Resources by Daughters and Sons who have a Parent with Mental Illness Child and Youth Mental Health Matters - First National Family Mental Health Conference, First International Young Carers Conference, Third International World Congress on Children of Parents with Mental Illness Panel Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons: Moving Child Welfare and Adult Mental Health Systems Beyond Stigma Against Parents with Mental Illness National Alliance on Mental Illness Louisiana Annual Conference Workshop & Keynote Lake Charles, Louisiana
Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons: Moving Child Welfare and Adult Mental Health Systems Beyond Stigma Against Parents with Mental Illness Office of Early Childhood and Preventative Partnerships, New York City Children's Services, Division of Family Support Services Daylong Seminar New York, New York
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2012 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion Seattle, Washington
Title Venue Type Location
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2011 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion Chicago, Illinois
Supporting Mental Health Consumers as Parents: Outcomes of Supported Parenting Pilot Projects and Assessment Tools in the Midwest National Alliance on Mental Illness 2011 National Convention Workshop Chicago, Illinois
Lifting the Veil on Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons: Challenges, Initiatives and Opportunities New Jersey Self Help Clearinghouse and Mental Health Association of Essex County Workshop Montclair, New Jersey
Title Venue Type Location
Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons: Moving Child Welfare and Adult Mental Health Systems Beyond Stigma Against Parents with Mental Illness National Alliance on Mental Illness Montana Annual Conference Workshop & Keynote Billings, Montana
Ties of Love: Parents and Grandparents that live with Mental Health Issues and their Sons and Daughters Alternatives Conference Workshop Anaheim, California
Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons South Lake Pediatrics Workshop Plymouth, Minnesota
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2010 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion Washington, D.C.
Across the Nation: Resources for Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons National Alliance on Mental Illness 2010 National Convention Poster Board Washington, D.C.
Seeing Parents and Expanding Outcomes for Young Carers: Moving Child Welfare and Adult Mental Health System Beyond Stigma Against Parents with SMI/SPMI The Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Practical Review Workshop Two Harbors, Minnesota
Title Venue Type Location
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2009 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion San Francisco, California
Tools for Supporting Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons National Alliance on Mental Illness 2009 National Convention Poster Board San Francisco, California
Supporting Returning Veterans Affected by Trauma National Alliance on Mental Illness 2009 National Convention Workshop San Francisco, California
Title Venue Type Location
Growing Up with a Parent with Psychiatric Illness National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota Panel Bloomington, Minnesota
Tools for Supporting Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons Minnesota Department of Human Services, Adult Mental Health Division Statewide Webinar St. Paul, Minnesota
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2008 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion Orlando, Florida
Title Venue Type Location
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2007 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion San Diego, California
Supporting Parents with Mental Illness National Alliance on Mental Illness 2007 National Convention Workshop San Diego, California
Tools for Supporting Parents with Mental Illness and their Daughters and Sons National Alliance on Mental Illness 2007 National Convention Poster Board San Diego, California
Title Venue Type Location
Daughters and Sons of Parents with Mental Illness National Alliance on Mental Illness of North Carolina Workshop Raleigh, North Carolina
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2006 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion Washington, D.C.
Title Venue Type Location
Daughters and Sons Networking Session National Alliance on Mental Illness 2005 National Convention Workshop & Planning Discussion Austin, Texas
Screening: Out of the Shadow National Alliance on Mental Illness of Montgomery County Panel Montgomery County, Virginia
Title Venue Type Location
Strength and Thriving: Growing Up witha Parent with Mental Illness Mental Health Association of New York Keynote Albany, New York
The Third Generation: Daughters and Sons of Parents with Psychiatric Disabilities National Alliance on Mental Illness 2004 National Convention Workshop Washington, D.C.
Seperating Fact from Myth: Child Welfare and Parental Mental Illness National Alliance on Mental Illness 2004 National Convention Workshop Washington, D.C.
Screening: Out of the Shadow New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Department of Psychiatry Panel New York, New York
Title Venue Type Location
Daughters and Sons Planning Discussion National Alliance on Mental Illness 2003 National Convention Leadership Meeting Minneapolis, Minnesota